Sunday 15 July 2012

Thing1 and Thing 2

When one of the ladies from work ask if I could make a Dr Seuss cake for her daughters 18th birthday I couldn't wait to get started. Ashleigh is a big fan of Thing 1 and Thing 2 so it was only fitting that they burst from the top of the cake in celebration.

Every good cake starts with a solid smooth ganache. The ganache encases a rich chocolate cake with chocolate fudge filling.

 To allow plenty of drying time I created their heads around a Styrofoam ball and set them aside with a handful of red and blue stars ready for later.
The cake was covered in thick stripes of red and white to represent the Cat in the Hat's top hat. The crown of the hat 'exploded' ready for the little tricksters to be added.
 The red skivvies and arms sat to dry for while as well.

 The look quite happy bursting out in celebration surrounded by stars and sparkles.

 A text message from her told me that there was one very happy birthday girl!


1 comment:

Kathleen said...

this cake was for my daughter's 18th Birthday, when she saw it she actually screamed!!! the cake itself was so delicious it was disappointing when it was all gone!!!!!